Joan Miró
Umbracle Título/ Title: Poster for the film 'Umbracle' Medidas/Size: 29,3 x 22 inches; 74.5 x 56 cm ; Año/Year: 1973 3.000€ - REF. JM102 HAZNOS TU OFERTA / SUBMIT YOUR OFFER
Description: Lithography (Hors Commerce) H.C. on Guarro paper with watermark of Sala Gaspar and signed in pencil by the artist. This issue belongs to the avant la lettre edition, being the editor Sala Gaspar (Barcelona), and the printer Puresa (Barcelona). The 'Umbracle' film was directed by Pere Portabella, with Christofer Lée and Janine Mestres. The screenplay was written by filmmaker Pere Portabella and the poet Joan Brossa. 500 posters were printed on normal paper for the occasion (size 30,7 x 22 inches; 78 x 56 cm ), and 50 copies avant la lettre edition, as that here is offered, (on paper Guarro and watermarking of Sala Gaspar; size 29,3 x 22 inches; 74.5 x 56 cm), signed and justified on 50. | Galerie Maeght Título: Cartel para la exposición "Miró" en la Galería de Arte Maeght de París. Title: Poster for the exhibition 'Miro' in the Art Gallery Maeght in Paris Descripción: Litografía sobre papel vitela de Arches. Firmada y justificada a mano 66/75 por el autor. La tirada avant la lettre consta de 75 ejemplares justificados y firmados a mano por el autor, y de 25 ejemplares HC (Hors Commerce), firmados y justificados sobre 25 en números romanos.Se publicaron también 10.000 carteles sobre papel corriente (76,5 x 56 cm) y 60 con letra sobre papel corriente (160 x 120 cm). Description: Lithograph on vellum paper Arches. Signed and hand justified 66/75 by the author. The print run avant la lettre consists of 75 copies, justified and signed by hand by the author, and 25 copies HC (Hors Comerce), signed and justified on 25 in Roman numerals.Also 10,000 posters were printed on ordinary paper (30,1 x 22 inches; 76.5 x 56 cm) and 60 were published with words on ordinary paper (63 x 51,2 inches; 160 x 120 cm). Medidas / Size 78 x 57 cm ; Año / Year: 1978 |